Judy is one of the 17 Women to Watch in Nevada. Photo by Ulf Buchholz for In Business Las Vegas.
Judy Jenner on PRI’s The World
PRI’s The World is a national radio program that’s a co-production of the BBC World Service, Public Radio International and WGBH. One of the reporters, Jason Margolis, contacted Judy a few months ago, and as of today, there’s a story that revolves around court interpreting in Nevada — and around the country. Have a listen to the podcast: Nevada Court Interpreters Protest Wage Cuts by The World . Here’s a link to the article. We are delighted that PRI has decided to air a report on the important topic of court interpreting and how pay cuts around the nation could create serious difficulties for American courts who must provide language access for non-English speakers in criminal proceedings.
Translation Times Blog Wins Blogging Competition by Lexiophiles
Since 2008, Judy and Dagy have penned the popular translation blog, aptly named Translation Times. This year, Lexiophiles selected Translation Times as the #1 language blog written by language professionals. Several hundred blogs were nominated, and 47,000 votes were cast. Read the interview with the winners here. Thank you so much for the award — a donation made to a very worthwhile charity, the Homeless World Cup.
Judy Jenner Receives Alumna of the Year Award
Judy was delighted to receive the University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ award for the 2010 Honors College of the Year Award. Judy is a 1998 summa cum laude graduate of the H0nors College (B.S., management) and published a trilingual honors thesis under the supervision of three thesis advisers. Judy joins an illustrious group of 10 fellow UNLV alumni who were honored by their respective colleges and is delighted by this huge honor, which is the highest honor awarded to an alumna by her college. Judy is a proud supporter of UNLV and a lifetime member of the Alumni Association.
Judy Jenner Honored With “Women to Watch 2010” Award
We are happy to announce that In Business Las Vegas, a leading business weekly in Nevada, has chosen Judy Jenner as one of their “Women to Watch 2010.” Judy joins an illustrous group of women executives from gaming, law, politics, healthcare, the public sector, and the non-profit world. Just was the only languages professional honored. The awards ceremony took place at Dos Caminos at the Palazzo hotel and casino in Las Vegas on January 29, 2010.
Lost in Translation: The Wall Street Journal Online
On December 8, 2009, the Wall Street Journal Online published a brief overview of the translation and interpretation industry. Judy was profiled in the article, which wasn’t as in-depth as we were hoping for. However, we are delighted that our profession is getting some well-deserved coverage. You can read the full article here. Thanks to our friends at GALA, the Globalization and Localization Association, for arranging the interview and the article. Unfortunately, GALA doesn’t play a major role in the article.
Entrepreneurial Linguist Interview in Bridges Newsletter
The winter 2010 edition of Bridges, published by the Atlanta Assocation of Interpreters & Translators, features an interview with Judy Jenner. Editor Janet Golden McGirt was among the attendees at Judy’s “Entrepreneurial Linguist” workshop at the ATA conference in New York City in October 2009. She liked what she heard, so she followed up with a quick phone interview. You can read the result of the interview on page 4 of this excellent newsletter. Thanks to Janet for giving us permission to publish it here. The Bridges Newsletter Winter 2010 is full of interesting information, so be sure to have a look at the entire publication!